Junior Phase Winter Uniform
- White long-sleeved shirt with BSK logo
- Striped BSK school tie
- BSK purple blazer
- BSK grey trousers
- BSK grey pullover with purple stripes (optional but not to be worn without the blazer)
- BSK grey socks with purple stripes
- BSK winter items pack (optional): school hat, gloves and scarf (no others)
- Polished black leather shoes
- Hair must not fall below the shirt collar, or over the eyes, and must be well groomed and tidy
- Razor cuts or lines edged into short hair are not permitted
- White long-sleeved blouse with BSK logo
- Striped BSK school tie
- BSK purple blazer
- BSK grey kilt skirt
- BSK grey pullover with purple stripes (optional but not to be worn without the blazer)
- Purple/white/black hair band – available in the Royal Scot (no others)
- BSK winter items pack (optional): school hat, gloves and scarf (no others)
- Grey tights (not socks)
- Polished black, leather, low-heeled shoes
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